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Library of Shailabala Women's College

General Information :
The library is completely computerised. All the transaction like issue, retain and search for books are performed through computer.

  1. The college library has a rich collection of books under different categories.
  2. Total no. of Text books - 40712 Total no. of Reference books - 1509.
  3. Total no. of General books - 41460.
  4. Total no. of books purchased through UGC grants - 14741 No. of Magazines and Periodicals subscribed - 32
    Apart from this, the computers installed in the Library also contain valuable e-books and encyclopedia.
  5. The college library has a species reading room.
  6. An internet Kiosk is installed in the front of the reading room through which the students can freely surf the Internet to collect valuable online data.
  7. The library remains open from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. on all working days. Membership ­
    (a) The staff and students of the college are entitled to be the
    members of the library.
    (b) Any other person, specially permitted by the Principal, may
    use the library.
    Collection of Membership Card ­
    (a) Staff, students and others (those permitted by the Principal) can collect their Membership Card and Library -cum-Identity Card from the library.
  8. Cards are not transferable The Membership Card and the Library-cum-Identity Card are not transferable as they are tokens of privilege allowed only to the members to whom they are issued. Sublending of books is a misuse of this privilege and is, therefore, not permissible.
  9. In case the membership card or the library-cum-identity card get mutilated because of use or otherwise, it must be reported to the library. Under no condition should these be over-written.
  10. Loss or misuse of cards. Special card should be taken if the membership card and the library cards are misplaced or lost. All losses are to be reported immediately to the library. The member will continue to be responsible for any loss which the library may suffer due to the loss of misuse or these cards. .
  11. A sum of As. 3/- will be charged for the loss of the library cum identity card. The new card will be issued if the Principal is satisfied with the causes of loss.
Admission to the Library ­
Before entering the library, the members would sign in the register placed at the entrance, and show membership card along with the identity card.
Umbrella, private book and personal belongings should be deposited at the property counter and a token be obtained for them.
On no account are brief cases and bags to be brought inside the Library. .
In order to get a Clearance Certificate, the membership card and the Library-cum-Identity card are to be returned to the library.

No books shall be taken out of the library without the knowledge of the librarian and until it has been properly entered in the Loan Register and the entry attested by the borrowers. The entry will be marked in the library card at the time of issue and return.

Users can use the books of the reserved section in the reading room only. These books will be issued on slips and the slips will be attached to the membership card of the user. The issue of each book should be properly checked at the exit gate.

Each borrower must examine the condition of the books before they are issued, otherwise in case of mutilation discovered later, the presumption will be against the borrower.

Books shall be returned within the period allowed to a borrower. When the date for the return of a book falls on an authorised holiday, it must be returned to the library on the day the library reopens.

All books belonging to the library and in possession of borrowers shall be returned to the library before the college closes for a long vacation, on or before the date notified for the purpose.

Anybody i possession of library books shall return it to the library whenever she receives a requisition notice for the return of the book from the library.

Books taken out of the library mu'st be returned to the Librarian or the Assistant in Charge and to nobody else.

No marginal or other notes or markings shall be made .in the library books, nor shall any picture or page be removed or torn or otherwise disfigured. In such cases the borrower may be asked to replace the book damaged by him or her.

The Librarian will report to the Principal the names of persons responsiole for improper use of the library books. ­
Although ordinarily there will be no restriction on the use of books in the library, the Principal has the right to stop the issue of certain books to all or some intending borrowers.

A borrower against whom any overdue or other charges are outstanding shall not be allowed to borrow books from the library IIand one who has got a library deposit, shall not be alloweq to withdraw her deposit until the library dues are cleared.
(a) A college teacher may take ten books at a time for reference. (b) The book issued to the college teachers shall be returned by I the person concerned within fifteen days from the date of issue (or the following working day if the due date falls on holidays). .
(c) For each day of delay the college teachers concerned shall !
be liable to pay a fine of As. 101- per book so issued.
(a) All those who may happen to be inside the library or its
neighbourhood are expected to observe strict silence.
(b) Conversation among themselves or noise or demonstrative
greetings of friends inside the' library is not permissible.
(c) The librarian has orders to see that the strict observance of the rule of silence is maintained and report any wilful breach to the Principal.

Members of the staff are also expected to use their influence to promote the observance of this rule whenever they are in the library and to report to the Principal the cases of deliberate disobedience and misbehaviour. Talking (except that which is absolutely neces.sary for the transaction of library business) is forbidden in the library.

The library premises should not be used for any purpose other than for reading or consulting the books and periodicals of the library.

Spitting, sleeping inside the library and putting one's feet on the library furniture are strictly forbidden.
The following table shows the maximum number of books that may be issued to various kinds of borrowers and the maximum
time allowed to keep a book.

Classes of Borrowers
a) Members of the teaching staff
b) Ministerial staff
Lab. Asst., Librarian; P.E. T.
Students [+2 Arts & Science]
Students [+3 Arts & Science (Pass)]
Honours Students
P. G. Students

No. of Books Time Permitted 
A book once issued to a borrower may be issued to her only when nobody else wants to take the b90k. Books before reissue should be presented before the librarian for necessary entries in the Register.

Books of reference, maps, textbooks, university calendar, periodicals, courses of studies, questions and rare books shall not be issued. They are to be consulted within the specific section, of the library.

Any boqk damaged or defaced by the borrower must be replaced by her. If a book is one of a set or a series and the volume cannot be obtained singly, the whole set or series must be replaced at the reader's cost. Should the book be rare or irreplaceable, the borrower must pay an amount upto a maximum of triple the catalogue price of the books.

In thOse cases in which the price of the lost books cannot be ascertained, he or she should pay as c9mpensation an amount­fixed by the Principal.

A person who takes books from the library is supposed to abide by the rules. Ignorance of the library rules will be no excuse for their breach.

The period after 3.30 P.M. on every working day is set apart for office work of the library and during that period no book is issued or return of books acknowledged. This does not apply to the issue and return of books to be used in the Reading Hall.

The student borrowers are subjects to all the rules in Section I & II. Di!iciplinary action would taken in case of those students who do not return the library books within the time allowed.

In no case, a book can be detained for more than one month and the librarian should inform the matter to the Principal for necessary action. 

In case the library book issued is lost by the person concerned the recovery shall be made at the rate of ten times of the cost of the book. (Vide Govt. letter No. 62415 (91) / HE of 9.10.2001)

For use in the Reading Room ordinarily one book or journal may be issued to every student on a call slip at a time. The librarian may issue more than one book if she thinks it is necessary. All such books and journals must be returned to the librarian 15 minutes before the college closes for the day.

(Some books have been donated by Smt. Khetra Kumari Mishrain memory of her mother Late Sabitri Devi)
The lending library is meant especially for the poor and meritorious students of the College.

The Principal will nominate at the beginning of every academic session two staff members to remain incharge of the library. 

General Rules:
At the beginning of the academic session of the college, the Principal will invite applications for getting books on loans from the library. The selection of books for purchase during the current year will be made by the Library-in-Charge in consultation with the staff of the departments concerned.

Book Bank contains 2265 Books:
1. Rules for the "Book Bank" are the same as the rules for the lending library except 10% of the original price of the book per year has to be paid.
(a) Borrowers are to pay 10% of the original price of the book for one sessional year.
(b) All books are to be issued by the librarian after realisation of fees.
(c) Before the book is made over, the borrower will fill in the Issue register, the title, catalogue. number and condition of the book, her roll no. class, full home address and signature.
(d) Each borrower must examine the condition of the book before issue, otherwise in case of mutilation discovered later; the presumption will be against the borrower.
(e) Books taken from the library must be returned to the librarian and none else.
(f) No marginal or other notes or markings can be made in the library book nor shall pictures or pages be removed torn or o\herwise disfigured. In extreme cases the borrower shall be asked to replace the book damaged.
(g) The librarian shall report the- matter to the Principal for necessary action against any improper use of books.
(h) If any book lost by any borrowers is irreplaceable the borrower must pay an amount up to a maximum of double the catalogue price as compensation. In case the price of lost books cannot be ascertained, she should pay an amount fixed by the Principal.
(i) In case the borrower does not return the book within the period prescribed, the Officer-in-Charge will recommend any punishment to be imposed upon her. .
(j) All books borrowed by the 1 st Year and 3rd Year students must be returned atleast one week before the college closes for Summer. Such books may be reissued immediately after return for the next session on payment of proper charges fixed under Rule 5 (a). ,
(k) All borrowers of final year classes are required to return their books soon after the Test Examination and publication of the Test Examination results. The successful candidates i.e. those who are sent up for the Final Examination may, however, take back the book already issued to them free of charges and they are to return the book within' a week of the last date of the University Examination.
(I) In the beginning of each session a copy of these rules will be published on the Notice Board for the students.
em) All borrowers are expected to go through the Rules and abide by them.

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