sb womens college

Shailabala Women's College

Completing 100 years of journey.

Our tribute

To the legendary for laying the foundation.

Shailabala Women's College

The image of culture and excellence..

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Just a tweak of Shailabala Women's College..
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The Atheletic Society of Shailabala Women's College
  1. The Executive Committee of the Society shall consist of­
    (a) President - Principal ex-officio.
    (b) Vice - President - From among the staff to be nominated by the Principal.
    (c) Secretary - Any student of the Union i.e. +3 and P.G. classes. (d) Asst. Secretary - Any student from +3 1 st year, +3 2nd
    year or 5th year P.G. classes.
    (e) The Captains of the Volley-Ball, Basket Ball and such other organised outdoor games as might exist in the College. The Secretary, Asst. Secretary and class representatives shall be elected lat the beginning of the session.

    The Asst. Secretary elected in the previous year shall carry on the work till the next election takes place.

    If the Secretary's performance is found to be unsatisfactory, she might be asked by the Principal to resign and another Secretary nominated by the Principal will carryon in the work till the next election.

    The. Principal has the right to make new rules if he thinks that it is necessary in the interest of the society.

    The Principal can ask any office-bearer to resign on grounds of misconduct, indiscipline and inefficiency. She can nominate another office bearer in her place till the next election.

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